6. Lizarrusti - Ordizia

  • Duration
    7h 55min
  • Difficulty
  • Distance
    22,93 km
  • Circular route
  • Lowest altitude
    150 m
  • Highest altitude
    885 m
  • MIDE data
    2/1/2/4/ 7h 55min

Lizarrusti + INFO

Ordizia + info

The path takes us from the mountain to the streets, through a karst area full of megaliths, on a traditional shepherds' route. Beneath our feet, although it scarcely surfaces, flows the key element that has shaped the environment: water, which gleams with all its splendour in the Lareo reservoir. The landscape is scattered with several flocks of sheep grazing on the meadows with their respective huts - Oidui is the most characteristic example. We head towards Ordizia after passing through Zaldibia, where one of the most important markets in the Basque Country is located. In early September, they usually celebrate the day of the shepherds' descent and the renowned cheese auction.


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  • Santa Maria 24 | ORDIZIA (Gipuzkoa)

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